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Honouring Australian World War One Personnel


AWWOD - Books of Interest

Here are a couple of beautiful children’s books AWWOD members may cherish: one explains the meaning of Anzac Day and WW1 to children within a beautifully illustrated picture book called “Reflection – Remembering those who served in war”. The other is called “Socks, Sandbags & Leeches – Letters to my Anzac Dad” written by a historical fiction author that contains “letters” from a little girl to her Anzac Dad who is at war. Also beautifully illustrated it also contains many factual details and accounts of WW1 from the perspective of a young girl.

As many children do march with us, our members may find these books a wonderful way to explain what Anzac Day is all about, what their Great Great Grandfathers and Uncles fought for, and explain why they march in their honour. The links below will take you through to the Publishers. Enjoy!

Reflection – Remembering those who served in war.

Socks, Sandbags & Leeches – Letters to my Anzac Dad